SV Gritsaev, II Kostroma, AA Zhernyakova, IM Zapreeva, VN Chebotkevich, SS Bessmeltsev, AV Chechetkin
Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology, 16 2-ya Sovetskaya str., Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 191024
For correspondence: Ivan Ivanovich Kostroma, MD, PhD, 16 2-ya Sovetskaya str., Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 191024; Tel.: 8(812)717-54-68; e-mail:
For citation: Gritsaev SV, Kostroma II, Zhernyakova AA, et al. Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Multiple Myeloma Treatment with and without the Use of Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor in Post-Transplantation Period. Clinical oncohematology. 2020;13(3):289–94 (In Russ).
DOI: 10.21320/2500-2139-2020-13-3-289-294
Background. There exist different data on how the administration of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (auto-HSCT) affects the duration of post-transplantation agranulocytosis in multiple myeloma (MM) patients.
Aim. To study the effect of G-CSF, administered after auto-HSCT to MM patients, on the duration of neutrophil engraftment, febrile neutropenia rate, and hospitalization duration.
Materials & Methods. The trial included 36 MM patients aged 42–69 years (median 59 years), 16 of which were not treated with G-CSF (1st group), and 20 patients received a single injection of 6 mg pegylated G-CSF on Day +4 or Day +5 (2nd group).
Results. Patients of the 1st group were significantly younger than patients of the 2nd group: median 55.5 and 61 years, respectively (p = 0.006). There were no differences with respect to the number of patients who previously received lenalidomide, the overall and very good partial response rate, the number of the first and repeated auto-HSCTs, and the number of melphalan conditioning regimens. The patients who received G-CSF engrafted neutrophils on day 11 (median) after auto-HSCT, i.e. earlier than patients without G-CSF administration who engrafted neutrophils on day 13 (p = 0.006). In the 1st group intravenous antibiotics were administered for a longer time than in the group with G-CSF: median 13 and 11 days, respectively (p = 0.04). In 2 patients from the group without G-CSF sepsis was diagnosed. G-CSF administration led to a shorter hospital stay: median 16 and 18 days in the 1st and 2nd groups, respectively (p = 0.08). There were no differences in the number of patients with febrile neutropenia.
Conclusion. G-CSF administration improves the course of the post-transplantation period in MM patients. The final decision on the feasibility of G-CSF administration after auto-HSCT can be made after more clinical observations are available.
Keywords: multiple myeloma, autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.
Received: January 14, 2020
Accepted: April 30, 2020
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