Hodgkin’s lymphoma and a “new old” bendamustine

S.S. Shklyaev, and V.V. Pavlov

Medical Radiological Research Center, RF Ministry of Health, Obninsk, Russian Federation


Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a malignant tumor that eventually turned from a fatal incurable to successfully curable disease after primary treatment in the vast majority of cases. However, the prognosis for patients with refractory and relapsed disease is not infrequently dismal and life-threatening, especially if the tumor continues progressing after high-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell transplantation or, in some instances, even after allogeneic stem cell grafting. Bendamustine is a “new old” cytostatic agent that can be effectively applied for treating this group of patients. Our literature review highlights a variety of relevant options in treatment of Hodgkin’s lymphoma using bendamustine.

Keywords: Hodgkin’s lymphoma, refractory and relapsed disease, treatment, bendamustine.

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Childhood testicular diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

T.T. Valiev1, A.M. Kovrigina2, I.N. Serebryakova3, E.V. Mikhailova1, A.V. Popa1, G.L. Mentkevich1

1-Paediatric Research Institute of FSBI «Named after N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center» RAMS, Moscow.

2-FSBI «Haematology Research Center of The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation», Moscow, Russian Federation

3-Clinical Oncology Research Institute of FSBI «Named after N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center» RAMS, Moscow, Russian Federation


Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas with primary testis involvement is a rare heterogeneous group of lymphoid tumours. In adults testicular lymphomas (TL) are characterized by aggressive clinical progression, frequent relapses and metastases to CNS, and poor response to standard therapy. According to literature data, pediatric TL presented as clinical cases. In the article Diffuse large B-cell TL in 10-year old boy presented. Authors discuss in details successful intensive chemotherapy treatment.

Keywords: testicular lymphoma, diagnosis, treatment, children

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Chronic lymphocytic leukemia and renal cell carcinoma: literature review and case reports

B.T. Dzhumabaeva, E.A. Nikitin, I.B. Kaplanskaya, E.E. Zybunova, L.S. Biryukova,

FSBI «Haematological Research Center» Russian Ministry of Health, Moscow, Russian Federation


Renal cell carcinoma which had acceded to the CLL, induces the progression of lymphatic tumours and contributes to the rapid development of renal failure. The surgical removal of the affected renal not eliminates the progression of CLL. Monotherapy by alkylating agents is not effective, while bendamustine therapy allows to reach the positive result.

Keywords: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), Renal cell carcinoma, renal failure, bendamustine.

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High-risk chronic lymphocytic leukemia: history, definition, diagnosis, and management

E.A. Nikitin, A.B. Sudarikov

FSBI «Haematological Research Center» Russian Ministry of Health, Moscow, Russian Federation


High-risk chronic lymphocytic leukemia is an emerging concept that was first established in fludarabine era. While fludarabine and fludarabine-containing regimens are highly effective in the majority of patients, a small subgroup of patients show poor response to standard regimens. The prognosis of these patients is dismal with a median overal survival of 2 – 3 years. The article present historical review and modern definition of high risk CLL, describes known molecular mechanisms of refractoriness to fludarabine and focuses on different treatment approaches.


Keywords: chronic lymphocytic leukemia, TP53, 17p deletion, fludarabine

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Management of refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children and adolescents: remission re-induction followed by allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

E.V. Semenova, N.V. Stancheva, S.N. Bondarenko, V.N. Vavilov, D.A. Bagge, O.V. Paina, S.V. Razumova, A.S. Borovkova, T.A. Bykova, A.A. Raths, L.S. Zuborovskaya, B.V. Afanasyev

R.M. Gorbacheva Memorial Institute of Children Hematology and Transplantation, Pavlov State Medical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation


Objective: to analyze efficacy of fludarabine- and nelarabine-containing chemotherapy  before  allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) in children and adolescents with relapsed and refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) .

Patients and methods: Thirty three patients (pts) with relapsed and refractory ALL from 1 till 21 y.o. (median age was 11,5 y.o.) were treated by fludarabine- (n=23) and nelarabine- (n=10) containing therapy.  Subsequently 24 patients underwent allo-HSCT.  

Results: CR was achieved in 11(48%) of 23 pts after FLAG±IDA and 7 (70%) of 10 pts after nelarabine-containg regimens. Duration of remissions were 1-18 months (median was 4,9 months).

Overall 3-year survival (OS) after allo-HSCT in remission was 58%, OS  after allo-HSCT in relapse was 8%, OS without allo-HSCT was 0%.

Conclusion: Fludarabine- and nelarabine-containing therapy can be used as bridge to allo-HSCT in children and adolescents with poor-prognosis ALL.

Кeywords: fludarabine, nelarabine, allo-HSCT, relapsed or refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia, children and adolescents

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New markers (CD160, CD200, and LAIR-1) in diagnosis of B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders

S.A. Lugovskaya1, D.G. Kisilichina1, M.E. Pochtar1, E.V. Naumova1, E.A. Nikitin2, L.S. Al-Radi2

1-Russian Medical Academy for Postgraduate Education of Ministry of Health, Moscow, Russian Federation

2-FSBI «Haematological Research Center» Russian Ministry of Health, Moscow, Russian Federation


Flow cytometry is used in diagnosis and classification of B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders, measuring expression level of target antigen and monitoring of minimal residual disease. Immunological phenotype of tumor B cells is not always in accord with classical characteristic and it makes complicated the interpretation of data, and therefore there is a need to find additional informative markers. Using new monoclonal antibodies to CD160, CD200 and LAIR-1 enhances the diagnostic capabilities of flow cytometry.

Keywords: B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders, markers CD160, CD200, LAIR-1, multiparameter flow cytometry.

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