Brain Bioelectrical Activity and its Correlation with Personality Traits of Children and Adolescents with Lymphoid Malignancies

N.L. Gorbachevskaya1,3, E.I. Kuznetsova2, N.A. Polyakova1

1 Research Center of Mental Health of RAMS, Moscow, Russian Federation

2 N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center of RAMS, Moscow, Russian Federation

3 Scientific Research Center of Neurobiological Diagnostics of Inherited Mental Diseases in Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, Moscow, Russian Federation

For citation: Gorbachevskaya N.L., Kuznetsova E.I., Polyakova N.A. Brain Bioelectrical Activity and its Correlation with Personality Traits of Children and Adolescents with Lymphoid Malignancies. Klin. onkogematol. 2014; 7(3): 296–300 (In Russ.).


We assessed both cerebral bioelectrical activity and psychological markers of aggressiveness in 23 children and adolescents (11–16 years old) with lymphoid malignancies. The reference group consisted of 32 healthy adolescents. LT adolescents presented both normal and specific for this patient population aggressive behavioral patterns. The correlation between the EEG rhythm and the aggressive behavior. We obtained data on sex- and age-related aggressive behavior of adolescents. It was shown that the malignant process and chemotherapy significantly affected the central nervous system of children and adolescents; this effect manifests itself through specific psychological and neurophysiological disorders. The latter may be considered markers of neurotoхicity thus requiring psychological support and specific therapy during the anti-tumor treatment.

Keywords: children and adolescents (11–16 years), lymphoid malignancies, electroencephalogram, aggressive behavior, сhemotherapy, neurotoхicity.

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Accepted: May 21, 2014

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