Childhood testicular diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

T.T. Valiev1, A.M. Kovrigina2, I.N. Serebryakova3, E.V. Mikhailova1, A.V. Popa1, G.L. Mentkevich1

1-Paediatric Research Institute of FSBI «Named after N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center» RAMS, Moscow.

2-FSBI «Haematology Research Center of The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation», Moscow, Russian Federation

3-Clinical Oncology Research Institute of FSBI «Named after N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center» RAMS, Moscow, Russian Federation


Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas with primary testis involvement is a rare heterogeneous group of lymphoid tumours. In adults testicular lymphomas (TL) are characterized by aggressive clinical progression, frequent relapses and metastases to CNS, and poor response to standard therapy. According to literature data, pediatric TL presented as clinical cases. In the article Diffuse large B-cell TL in 10-year old boy presented. Authors discuss in details successful intensive chemotherapy treatment.

Keywords: testicular lymphoma, diagnosis, treatment, children

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