Chronic hepatitis C and hematological malignancies

A.O. Bueverov1 and P.O. Bogomolov2

1 I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, RF MH, Moscow, Russian Federation

2 M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research-and-Clinical Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation


Reactivation of chronic HCV-infection in cases of drug immunosuppression occurs relatively infrequently and rarely manifests itself as clinically significant liver injury. Certain alertness is required when such patients are treated with monoclonal antibodies in combination with glucocorticoids. Due to the extremely limited potentials of etiotropic therapies for HCV-infection in patients receiving immunosuppressive drugs for hematological malignancies, it is reasonable to follow the approaches similar to those in drug-induced hepatitis.

Keywords: chronic hepatitis C, immunosuppressive drugs, viral reactivation, drug-induced liver injury.

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  1. Буеверов А.О. Хронические заболевания печени. Краткое руковод- ство для практикующих врачей. М.: МИА, 2013.  [Buyeverov A.O. Khronicheskiye zabolevaniya pecheni. Kratkoye rukovodstvo dlya praktikuyushchikh vrachey (Chronic liver diseases. Concise manual for medical practitioners). M.: MIA, 2013.]
  2. Рекомендации по ведению взрослых больных гепатитом С. Клин. перспект. гастроэнтерол. гепатол. 2013; 2: 3–32. [Recommendations on management of adult patients with hepatitis C. Klin. perspekt. gastroenterol. gepatol. 2013; 2: 3–32. (In Russ.)].
  3. Maasoumy B., Wedemeyer H. Natural history of acute and chronic hepatitis C. Best Pract. Res. Clin. Gastroenterol. 2012; 26: 401–12.
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  7. Chevaliez S., Rodriguez C., Pawlotsky J.M. New virologic tools for management of chronic hepatitis B and C. Gastroenterology 2012; 142: 1303–13.
  8. Богомолов П.О., Буеверов А.О., Мациевич М.В. и др. Возможности повы- шения эффективности противовирусной терапии больных хроническим гепатитом С, инфицированных 3-м генотипом вируса. Инфек. бол. 2012; 2: 8–14. [Bogomolov P.O., Buyeverov A.O., Matsiyevich M.V. et al. Potentials of enhanced efficacy of antiviral therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C, infected with 3rd virus genotype. Infek. bol. 2012; 2: 8–14. (In Russ.)].
  9. Monti G., Pioltelli P., Saccardo F. et al. Incidence and characteristics of non-Hodgkin lymphomas in a multicenter case file of patients with hepatitis C virusrelated symptomatic mixed cryoglobulinemias. Arch. Int. Med. 2005; 165: 101–5.
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  18. Mahale P., Kontoyiannis D.P., Chemaly R.F. et al. Acute exacerbation and reactivation of chronic hepatitis C virus infection in cancer patients. J. Hepatol. 2012; 57: 1177–85.
  19. Coppola N., Pisaturo M., Guastafierro S. et al. Increased hepatitis C viral load and reactivation of liver disease in HCV RNA-positive patients with oncohaematological disease undergoing chemotherapy. Dig. Liver Dis. 2012; 44: 49–54.
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  24. Dizdar O., Tapan U., Aksoy S. et al. Liver dysfunction after chemotherapy in lymphoma patients infected with hepatitis C. Eur. J. Haematol. 2008; 80: 381–5.
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  27. Anoop P., Wotherspoon A., Matutes E. Severe liver dysfunction from hepatitis C virus reactivation following alemtuzumab treatment for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Br. J. Haematol. 2010; 148: 484–6.
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  29. Marotte H., Fontanges E., Bailly F. et al. Etanercept treatment for three months is safe in patients with rheumatological manifestations associated with hepatitis C virus. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2007; 46: 97–9.
  30. Lin M.V., Blonski W., Buchner A.M. et al. The influence of anti-TNF therapy on the course of chronic hepatitis C virus infection in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Dig. Dis. Sci. 2013; 58: 1149–56.
  31. Aslanidis S., Vassiliadis T., Pyrpasopoulou A. et al. Inhibition of TNFalpha does not induce viral reactivation in patients with chronic hepatitis C infection: two cases. Clin. Rheumatol. 2007; 26: 261–4.
  32. Watanabe T., Tanaka Y. Reactivation of hepatitis viruses following immunomodulating systemic chemotherapy. Hepatol. Res. 2013; 43: 113–21.
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Chronic hepatitis C and hematological malignancies

A.O. Bueverov1 and P.O. Bogomolov2

1 I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, RF MH, Moscow

2 M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research-and-Clinical Institute, Moscow


Reactivation of chronic HCV-infection in cases of drug immunosuppression occurs relatively infrequently and rarely manifests itself as clinically significant liver injury. Certain alertness is required when such patients are treated with monoclonal antibodies in combination with glucocorticoids. Due to the extremely limited potentials of etiotropic therapies for HCV-infection in patients receiving immunosuppressive drugs for hematological malignancies, it is reasonable to follow the approaches similar to those in drug-induced hepatitis.

Keywords: chronic hepatitis C, immunosuppressive drugs, viral reactivation, drug-induced liver injury.

Chronic hepatitis B and hematological malignancies

A.O. Buyeverov1, P.O. Bogomolov2

1 I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State University, RF Ministry of Health, Moscow, Russian Federation

2 M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research-and-Clinical Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation


The active usage of monoclonal antibodies in therapy for hematology malignancies made reactivation of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection one of the major health problems. Monoclonal antibodies are also used in solid tumors, rheumatic, gastroenterological, and skin diseases. Identification of patients with active, inactive, or latent HBV infection with the high risk of reactivation and appropriate antiviral therapy decreases the risk of liver damage and allows the complete course of cancer treatment. Preventive anti-HBV therapy is based on nucleoside analogues that should be chosen in accordance to their efficacy and considering the risk of resistant viral strain selection during long-term treatment. Existing preventive regimens require improvement that warrants further prospective trials for elaboration of optimal recommendations. Thus, prevention of HBV infection reactivation in patients receiving immunosuppressive drugs should include nucleoside analogues according to the HBV infection phase, as well as the therapeutic regimen and duration of treatment.

Keywords: chronic hepatitis B, immunosuppression, nucleoside analogues, entecavir.

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