Lymphomas in HIV-Infected Patients: Literature Review

A.V. Pivnik1, N.V. Seregin2, Yu.G. Parkhomenko3,4, O.A. Tishkevich4, A.M. Kovrigina5, Е.B. Likunov6

1 N.N. Pletnev Moscow Clinical Research Center, Department of Health, Moscow, Russian Federation

2 Moscow Municipal Cancer Dispensary No. 3, Moscow, Russian Federation

3 Research Institute of Human Morphology, RAMS, Moscow, Russian Federation

4 Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital No. 2, Department of Health, Moscow, Russian Federation

5 Hematology Research Center, RF MH, Moscow, Russian Federation

6 American Medical Center, Moscow, Russian Federation

Address correspondence to:

For citation: Pivnik A.V., Seregin N.V., Parkhomenko Yu.G., Tishkevich O.A., Kovrigina A.M., Likunov E.B. Lymphomas in HIV-Infected Patients: Literature Review. Klin. onkogematol. 2014; 7(3): 264–77 (In Russ.).


This review presents data on incidence, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of lymphoid malignancies in HIV-infected patients. Articles published by Russian and foreign authors are being reviewed. The principle role of decreased CD4+ lymphocyte count in development of secondary diseases in HIV patients is emphasized. Data on the structure of death causes in HIV-infected patients published by Russian authors are presented. They demonstrate that lymphoma is the 5th most common death cause (of 6 leading death causes). Hodgkin’s lymphoma in HIV-infected patients is not discussed in the review, because its pathogenesis differs from that of aggressive lymphomas and requires a separate discussion.

Keywords: lymphomas in HIV-infected patients, HIV, AIDS, secondary disorders, death causes, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment.

Accepted: May 15, 2014

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