Epidemiology of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in the Republic of Bashkortostan

NR Ryabchikova, GSh Safuanova, VI Nikulicheva

Bashkir State Medical University, 3 Lenina str., Ufa, Russian Federation, 450008

For correspondence: Prof. Guzyal’ Shagbanovna Safuanova, MD, PhD, 3 Lenina str., Ufa, Russian Federation, 450008; Tel.: +7(927)639-03-73; e-mail: safuanova@bk.ru

For citation: Ryabchikova NR, Safuanova GSh, Nikulicheva VI. Epidemiology of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Clinical oncohematology. 2018;11(4):349–53.

DOI: 10.21320/2500-2139-2018-11-4-349-353


Background. The planning of therapeutic, diagnostic, and preventive medical care for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients implies the need of not only maintaining patient registries, but also conducting epidemiologic studies in each geographical area.

Aim. To study and analyze CML epidemiological indicators over the last 15 years in the Republic of Bashkortostan for the purposes of evaluation and rational planning of specialized medical care for CML patient population.

Materials & Methods. The incidence, prevalence, and mortality of CML patients of all age groups in the period of 2000–2016 was analyzed in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Results. The analysis of epidemiological indicators over the period of 2000–2016 showed that the incidence of the disease in the Republic of Bashkortostan was increasing. Within the last 8 years the prevalence rate even quadrupled which is clearly connected with improved detectability of Ph-chromosome and/or BCR-ABL gene, creation and maintenance of CML patient registry since 2008, introduction of treatment using tyrosine kinase inhibitors resulting also in increase in life expectancy. Mortality rates are reported to have a tendency of decrease over the period under study.

Conclusion. Key epidemiological indicators of CML in the Republic of Bashkortostan are comparable with the data of international and Russian researchers. The results obtained can be used for comparative studies and improvement of specialized medical care for CML patients.

Keywords: chronic myeloid leukemia, epidemiology, incidence, prevalence, mortality.

Received: April 9, 2018

Accepted: August 3, 2018

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Primary Incidence of Hematological Malignancies in Saint Petersburg in 1990–2011 and Prognosis till 2021

L.Yu. Zhiguleva, K.M. Abdulkadyrov

Russian Scientific Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology under the Federal Medico-Biological Agency, 16 2-ya Sovetskaya str., Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 191024

For correspondence: Lyubov’ Yur’evna Zhiguleva, PhD, 16 2-ya Sovetskaya str., Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 191024; Tel.: +7(812)717-09-95; e-mail: RNIIHT@mail.ru

For citation: Zhiguleva LYu, Abdulkadyrov KM. Primary Incidence of Hematological Malignancies in Saint Petersburg in 1990–2011 and Prognosis till 2021. Clinical oncohematology. 2015;8(4):362–367 (In Russ).

DOI: 10.21320/2500-2139-2015-8-4-362-367


Background & Aims. Assessment of the incidence and dynamics of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissue malignancies is caused by the need in rational planning of hematological care, identification of risk factors in specific areas, and justification of prevention programs.

Methods. This paper analyzes the incidence and dynamics of the malignancies among the population of Saint Petersburg over the period from 1990 till 2011 and gives prognosis till 2021. Data from the Information Analysis Center of the Department of Public Healthcare under the Saint Petersburg Government and from Petrostat, a population cancer register (Saint Petersburg), were used. Besides, the paper analyzes materials of official reports Results of Activities in the Field of Public Healthcare of Saint Petersburg over the period from 2012 till 2013 and On Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-Being of Saint Petersburg Population over the period from 2010 till 2013, as well as data from the Federal State Statistics Service on the incidence of hematological malignancies in Russia. The sampled population was 19,456.

Results. The incidence of hematologic malignancies in Saint Petersburg is higher than that in Moscow, Russia and a number of other areas, and the extent of their occurrence among men is higher as compared to women. A steady growth of their incidence rate throughout the period under review has been revealed, with a maximum increasing rate in the working age.

Conclusion. According to the prognosis, by 2021, the incidence of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissue malignancies in Saint Petersburg will increase by 29.7 %. The findings suggest the increased need in specialized hematological care and its availability, and more efficient use of available resources.

Keywords: incidence, hematological care, hematopoietic and lymphoid tissue malignancies.

Received: April 1, 2015

Accepted: October 15, 2015

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