Past and present of radiotherapy in management of malignancies

O.P. Trofimova, S.I. Tkachev, and T.V. Yuryeva

N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, RAMS, Moscow, Russian Federation


The article describes the stages of emergence and development of radiotherapy in management of malignancies of various locations, covering the period from the discovery of X-rays to the use of 60Co artificial isotope and development of the linear electron accelerator. Currently, radiotherapy is required for 70 % of cancer patients at some stage of tumor treatment. Improvements in radiotherapy technologies and development of new irradiation techniques made possible to solve the main task of radiotherapy, i.e. tumor destruction with minimal radiation exposure to surrounding healthy tissues, at the time being. This paper describes the radiotherapy techniques and explains in detail the differences between conventional and conformal radiotherapy. Also, preparation of patients for radiotherapy and the features of various conformal radiotherapy technologies are included.

Keywords: irradiation, radiotherapy, preparation for radiotherapy, linear electron accelerator.

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Immunophenotypical and cytogenetic features of tumor cells in a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia associated with prolonged exposure to irradiation

S.N. Kolyubaeva1, I.A. Sukhina1, V.Yu. Nikitin1, T.V. Isakova1, A.S. Polyakov1, S.N. Malakhova1, N.V. Il’yin2, J.N. Vinogradova2, and L.А. Myakoshina2

1 Military Medical Aсademy, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

2 Russian Research Centre for Radiology and Surgical Technologies, RF Ministry of Health, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation


In this article, we describe immunoрhenotypical and cytogenetic features of tumor cells in the patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and prolonged exposure to irradiation in the history. Finding of 0.67% to 0.73% of metaphases with dicentric chromosomes confirmed the effect of radiation in this patient. Chromosome banding with mitogen stimulation of peripheral lymphocytes revealed 2% of cells with 47,XY, +12 karyotype, while FISH detected the greater number of cells with trisomy 12 in interphase bone marrow cells and peripheral lymphocytes. Immunophenotyping of bone marrow cells revealed the difference from “classic” CCL, i.e. simultaneous low-positive CD22 and CD79b expression as well as CD38 expression on the surface of tumor cells.

Keywords: chronic lymphocytic leukemia, fluorescence in situ hybridization, trisomy 12, irradiation, radiation-specific damage.

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